Courses Taught  

EDU 6293T Assessment for Learning
Nature and role of formative assessment in instructional settings; conditions and contexts favorable for effective use of assessment for learning.

EDU 5190F2 An Introduction to Research in Education
Introduces students to understanding and applying research in education: researching a topic, critical reading, overview of various types of applied research.

EDU 5384 Integrated Approaches to Language Curriculum
Theories and principles underlying the integrated approach to the teaching, learning, and assessment of languages and literacy (oral and written communication and media literacy), application of language and literacy practices in special contexts.

GRCN 566 Elementary Science Content and Methods
This course is designed to assist teacher candidates in developing competency in teaching science in grades JK-6 in Ontario. It emphasizes the importance of science education as a foundation of the elementary curriculum. It examines scientific methodology, emphasizing the need for the development of appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

EDU 6259 Research and Contemporary Issues in Teaching Models and Practices
The main objective of this course, which pays particular attention to research and contemporary issues in teaching models and practices in its broadest sense, is to promote conceptual and analytical skills needed by educators to understand current pedagogical models/practices and their underlying theoretical constructs. Course content will focus on models of teaching linked to constructing meaningful learning environments. Models may provide frameworks, patterns, or examples for any number of educational components – curricula, instructional techniques, instructional groupings, classroom management plans, the development of support materials, presentation methods and combined strategies.

PED 3102 Schooling and Society
This course examines the central practices, purposes, and problems of schooling as these relate to broader societal issues. Throughout the semester, we will explore existing and emerging educational practices and seek to connect them to larger social, political, economic, and cultural realities in Canada and elsewhere. Through an encounter with diverse and at times provocative perspectives on schooling and societal issues, we will seek to understand the dilemmas and the possibilities associated with the practice of teaching, the advancement of learning, and the organization of compulsory schooling.

BDI 3C Introduction to Entrepreneurial Studies
This introductory course to entrepreneurship focuses on ways in which entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, generate ideas and organize resources to plan successful ventures that enable them to achieve their personal goals by satisfying the needs of others. Students will learn about values, traits and skills most often associated with successful entrepreneurial activity. 

EDU 5262 Curriculum, Culture and Technologies
Exploration of the theoretical and practical issues of curriculum and program
design in relation to culture and technology; examination of the relationships between curriculum,
information culture, and E-learning; investigation of the impact of cyber curriculum on cultural identities of teachers and learners.

PED 3103 Curriculum Design & Evaluation in Education
Overview of major curriculum theorists; examination of the Ontario Curriculum and other curriculum documents; development of lessons and units based on the Ontario Curriculum; an overview of theory, issues, and strategies for assessment of pupils. Competence in the use of technology must be demonstrated.

PED 3103 Curriculum Design & Evaluation in Education BL (Online Course)
Overview of major curriculum theorists; examination of the Ontario Curriculum and other curriculum documents; development of lessons and units based on the Ontario Curriculum; an overview of theory, issues, and strategies for assessment of pupils. Competence in the use of technology must be demonstrated.

PED 3101 The Learning Process in the Educational Setting
This course examines the major theoretical principles upon which education for children and adults may be based. It also identifies normative characteristics of learners as well as current trends in the application of theory to classroom situations.

PED 3131 Teaching Science at the Intermediate Level 
This course examines the core content areas of the Ontario Intermediate Science Curriculum that includes: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth and Space Science in grades 9 and 10, and Earth and Space Systems, Matter and Materials, Life Systems, Energy and Control, and, Structures and Mechanisms in grades 7 and 8. Our focus in these core areas will involve a study of the issues behind teaching science in these multiple content areas. Methodologies, strategies, and resources suitable for teaching science courses at the intermediate level (grades 7 to 10) will be examined.

SWAC (School-Within-A-College)  summer program at Algonquin College
Taught in the SWAC summer program at Algonquin College that is a partnership with the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) and the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB). It provides a unique opportunity for students who want to graduate but who have faced challenges along their educational journey. Students can take SWAC courses with an opportunity to earn credits that count toward both a secondary school and college diploma or certificate. SWAC courses let students “experience” college courses on a college campus, while achieving credits towards a high school diploma.

EDEL 8007 Contemporary Approaches to Educational Issues in the Caribbeans
University of West Indies
Th course is centered on discussion of current and pertinent educational issues and concerns that educational leaders are required to deal with in their respective contexts. Through the discourse participants will be presented with approaches to addressing related concerns.